Channel 12 news

Sunday, April 17, 2011

PERCS on Tuesday!!

The time has already come. We head to NJ tomorrow after his cardiologist apt. I am not super nervous yet but I am always calm right before the surgery, except for the hip surgery...that was very emotional. I am still excited that it may actually help him and he will be able to walk easier. I am rying not to get my hopes up because I have no idea how his body will react but in the back of my mind I can't help but think this could change his life. I guess we will see soon enough. I guess we will enter a new phase in our lives. It seems like life is forever changing as the kids grow. I am enjoying their ages right now. Brendan is becoming quite the character lately. He is all boy sometimes and was very funny while out to dinner the other night. He kept whispering things in my ear to tell my husband like "you smell like poop" (hey I told you ALL boy). He would crack up when my husband would whisper something back just as fowl. It is really nice to see him continue to progress no matter in what way. :)

Think of us, wish us luck and pray if you do. I will update afterwards.


Sheila said...

Good luck! I'm sure it's gonna be great for him! I can't wait for the update!

jenny said...

Good luck Bren stay stron steph. I am praying for him to have a good surgery and sa speedy recovery

Amy said...

I am sorry that I missed this one. I have been out of town. I hope the PERCs went great! I cannot wait to see how it helps him!

April said...

Another one... but I've no doubt he came out fine.