Channel 12 news

Monday, June 27, 2011

Last Day of School! Summer Reading & Wike

Today is the kids last day of school! My little book worm, Chloe, wants more school and Brendan has one month of summer school that starts up next week but technically they are out for the summer!!

I signed them up for the Summer Reading Club. All kids are signed up and ready to read! I have to read to Brendan and Makayla and am supposed to read 6 books each week to them which I can do easily. I am not sure Bren will pay attention to all of them but I will try. The library puts on a show for them each week so that will take up some of our day. The magic show is on Friday to kick off the program so I am excited. I think it will be great for all of them.

Camping was a lot of fun. The kids did not wear me out as much as last year. Chloe was a great sister and often took Bren to find pine needles and sticks for the camp fire. We bought a special needs bike trailer from Wike a few months back and it is really coming in handy. We brought that along with Brendan's wheelchair and walker but he loved sitting in this and being wheeled around by his sisters. It really kept him entertained. It is also great to take him to the bathroom in. I highly recommend one. It can be used as a jogging stroller or hook up to your bike.


Amy said...

So glad you guys had a great time. The kids are beautiful. I love the picture of Brendan with the bandana on his head--cool dude.

jenny said...

the joging strollr bike cart looks awsome and i bet it came in handy for him. i am glad that the girls were willing to step in and give a hand to Bren that is great. Its awsome to see all of the pics hope you all continue to enjoy your summer

Amy said...

Love the wheelchair tricks at the playground. I would like to get Emma a manual chair like that so she can hopefully learn to move herself around and to the potty, etc, when she needs to or wants to.

What kind of chair does Brendan have?

He pretty dang good at that spinning trick!! Did he know how to use the chair right away or did it take some practice--just the moving of it--not the COOL tricks!

April said...

I love reading. It is a form of escape for me.